Motivation. More than a Flavor of the Month!

by Kathleen M. Randall, CSP


Leaders and Managers are constantly looking for what is the newest and best way to motivate their people. It’s like looking for the Flavor of the Month!

During our leadership training and coaching, we challenge people to motivate others by leading rather than just managing. True leadership involves the desire to dig deeper and start understanding your employees from the inside out. What is important to them? What drives their internal motor? Do they know that you care?

In a recent article by Leadership Wired, “Contrary to popular opinion, leaders cannot give motivation to anyone. As leaders, we would be foolish, and somewhat arrogant, to think we possess the power to bestow motivation upon another person. Actually, a reservoir of motivation already resides inside every person we meet. The real challenge for leaders is to tap into and channel that pre-existing motivation.

Yes, it is important for managers to think like a leader. Leaders motivate not with the “Flavor of the Month” mind-set, but with the individual and unique flavor that exists within each employee. What specific steps are you taking to understand what’s important to the people you’re managing and seeking to lead? Start by genuinely wanting to get to know them and you’ll soon unlock the true motivation that lies within!

Posted in Employee Motivation, Leadership, Management, Relationships.

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